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This is 1447 Turbo, a compact intamin blitz with a nightclub attached to it and has non-stop parties. Enjoy.

Techno's Intamin Blitz
CFR'S Intamin Drop (Recolorable)

Moby's Steel Jungle 1
Moby's Steel Jungle 2
Shy-Planters 1
Shy-Planters 2
CTR'S Paths
Moby's Curved Walls - Concrete
Moby's Glass Walls
Moby's Floors - Concrete
Shy Guy's Waterworld Set 1
Vodhin's Emerald City
Aceana's Pavement Essentials (Stairs)
Aceana's Pavement Essentials (Colors)
Beach Fence Set
Weber's Foliage Set
Cap N Pogo's Lights
Dasmatze's Industry Age Set
Iceatic's Hollywood Sign
Klinn's Frameworx
Coasterfreaks Megacoaster Track Connections
Neon Lighting Set
Shevek's Floor Blast-Stucco
Shevek's Wall Blast - Stucco
Station Jim's Fencing
Station Jim's Random Things
Station Jim's Hotel Things
The Coaster Essentials: Intamin Footers
Ark Angel's LIMS
CoasterJoe's Pathways V.1
GRP B&M Catwalks
HK Audio Set
Heineken Concert Stuff
RicardoBugsby - Planet Disco Set
Vodhin's Light Kit
Vodhin's Light Kit (2008)
Shy-Mainstreet 3
Marnetmar's Leftoverz
Azanderz Supports - L Beams
CP Cisco's B&M Footers
EPP Laser Pack V1
czm94 Excellent Laser Domes

Section Tracks
Type Intamin Blitz
File Size 8.75 MB
Date Uploaded Mar 23, 2014




This is great man, I voted for you!


nice job dorney, you took my vote in the end

NCS ravens

whoa love it