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Excitement rating: 7.96 (Very High)
Intensity rating: 9.63 (Very High)
Nausea rating: 4.25 (Medium)

Max. speed: 290.32 km/h
Average speed: 71.94 km/h
Ride time: 1:14
Ride length: 1492.92 m

Max. positive vertical G's: 18.47g
Max. negative vertical G's: -1.34g
Max. lateral G's: -1.68g

Total 'air' time: 0:10
Drops: 7
Highest drop height: 293.58
Number of inversions: 1

This is an extreme version of the original track "Suicidal". This track features a much higher height (close to the ceiling allowed), which leads to a much much steeper drop that is power boosted at 108km/h. Despite so, it is 'only' rated at very high on excitement rating.

A video of the ride in action is available here: http://youtu.be/b_EBUJ6IUeU

Hope you'll enjoy it.

Section Tracks
Type Twister Coaster
File Size 75.25 KB
Date Uploaded Jul 26, 2014
