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Excitement rating: 0.03 (Low)
Intensity rating: 59.82 (Uber-extreme)
Nausea rating: 30.96 (Uber-extreme)

Max. positive vertical G's: 98.64 g
Max. negative vertical G's: -37.01 g
Max. lateral G's: 84.28 g

If you think my Suicidal - Halfway to Hell roller coaster was bad enough, then you've seen nothing. This is the most extreme I could get. Despite the extreme nature of the track, it seems rather popular with the Peeps though, as evident in the screenshots.

Hope you'll enjoy it.

A video of the ride in action is available here: http://youtu.be/NIj5ZVmT5hg

Section Tracks
Type Twister Coaster
File Size 211.58 KB
Date Uploaded Jul 28, 2014
Liked by jawns3d


1 comment


Scary and hilarious - Great ride!