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Excitement Rating: 6.02
Intensity Rating: 5.72
Nausea Rating: 2.56
This turned out perfect! my second best be hind goliath at georgia. (mabye magnum xl was better too). Have fun!

Section Tracks
Type Hyper Coaster
File Size 87.88 KB
Date Uploaded Sep 17, 2012
Liked by SamDogy




Please use RCT3 pics, thanks!


Idiot. This is absolutely nothing like Raging Bull. I live near gurnee and am obsessed with coasters. I would know. watch some POV's. You'll think "Damn. I messed up"


This looks NOTHING like raging bull at great America, it is almost an insult to name it raging bull. BUT if this exact coaster was at six flags great America, I think it would beat raging bull since it would have more airtime and room unlike the actual one. Nice effort though. I recommend looking at more POVs of the coaster on youtube and looking at virtual globe trotting.com birds eye view of the layout. By the way, wrong coaster, Raging bull is a Hyper twister


Raging Bull is B&M, not Arrow smh!