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Excitement Rating: 8.22 (Very High), Intensity Rating: 5.93 (High), Nausea Rating: 3.60 (Medium), Max Speed: 71.99mph, Avg Speed: 26.31mph, Ride Time: 2:38, Ride Length: 6,115.58ft, Max Positive Vertical G's: 4.87g, Max Negative Vertical G's: -1.74g, Max Lateral G's: 2.77g, Total "Air" Time: 0:23, Drops: 15, Highest Drop: 163.46ft, Inversions: 7

Section Tracks
Type Extended Coaster
File Size 87.94 KB
Date Uploaded Apr 20, 2013
Liked by SamDogy


1 comment



Specially when you get Excitement above 8 and Intensity lower than Excitement and nausea at medium!