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This Roller Coaster displays the original Run-away Mine Ride with a few hidden twists including the swinging carts and the custom track. The theming is based on an old Western Town. There are a few pieces of Custom Scenery including the tunnels and the track itself, but other, "Hold on, because this is the wildest ride in the Wilderness!"

Section Tracks
Type DazMatze Swinging Mine
File Size 1.79 MB
Date Uploaded Jun 4, 2013




Didn't vote for you, but yours was my 2nd favorite coaster.


Thanks. You should check out my other rides. I haven't played in a while so im still fairly new to things like Custom Scenery. I shouldn't have got lazy on the supports. I also should have included images of the third lift. I don't know how to make a video either. I am doing RCT3on a mac so there are a lot of glitches. Please give me some tips or advice to make it better.


I'm really digging your station building. ;) for minicoaster tracks, I would suggest Jcat's mouseworx. but if seems that you are a "no CS allowed" kinda guy. great usage of the swinging feature, great layout, great coaster. Congradulations!


No, I Love to to use CS, I just have alot of trouble downloading it as most of them lead to that stupid error. Thanks for the take and I'll be sure to use it