Yay it's me again :P
New release in NSMB U theming: Mario's Forestbreak!
In particular... Soda Jungle and a short trip near Peach's castle (though it doesn't look good -v-)
Watch the coaster hit those question blocks and travel in warp pipes!
Some data:
8.32E / 4.52I / 3.06N (with paths & sceneries)
7.96E / 5.40I / 3.07N (w/o paths & sceneries)
POV: http://youtu.be/qB8Tge0ZvLU
*** For the scenery set I haven't made most of them. e.g. the piranhas are really complicated, I'm having some finished ones here: http://tinyurl.com/mrr8mvf
It includes some blocks & warp pipes (regular and giant) and a beanstalk w/o piranha top. I hope to complete the set by end of this year and release a new download soon =]
Liked by SamDogy
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