Its Huge! - Fun Spot
This is my recreation of White Lightning from Fun Spot in Florida. It is a wooden coaster with steel supports and wooden track. It is the first wooden coaster to do a 90 degree angle curve and opened this year. Hope you all enjoy.
CS Required:
Maylene's Millennium Flyer CTR
Aceana's Pavement Essentials Expanded (Stairs)
Aceana's Pavement Essentials Expanded (Colors)
Azanderz Supports - L Beams
CTR's Paths 2
Station Jim's Gardening
Shy Guy's Mainstreet Set 2
Shy Guy's Mainstreet Set 4
Shy Guy's Planters 1
Shy Guy's Planters 2
Shy Guy's Water World Set 1
Big Burger's Timber 20cm'
Big Burger's Timber Footers
CoasterJoe's Pathway Extensions V.1
DasMatze's Fences and Railings
Jacky X Wooden Coaster Stuff
Vodhin's Light Kit 2008
Vodhin's Light Kit (New)
Coinin's Station Gates
THAT IS AWESOME!!!!! but i cant download it. millennium flyer ctr crashes.
Could someone please assist me in installing the appropriate files to get this coaster to work?
What is CS?
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