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Hello rctgo and everyone on here! I have been working on most Wacky Worlds and Time Twister scenarios for a bit of fin and not a guarantee if I get to do all of them as I may not do Great Wall of China, Flower Power Woodstock, Alcatraz Prison Island, Lost City Founder any time soon cause there was some personal things I didn't like about them that I couldn't solve and might just do them at last or may not mess with them!

Well this one is my very first Wacky Worlds scenario I have completed and then rebuild added other things from Time Twister in it and other scenery that you can tell and see as I thought it would make this park much better! As my sister liked the sea aquarium scenery in this as I thought it would be a good idea to build this park!

Well this is Fun At The Beach (Barbeque Beach Blast) an seaside beach with a river scenario located somewhere in Australia on the tab where you click on scenario in menu! As t here's no information of what this scenario is based on no landmarks of where it's mostly located using Australian Scenery as I know Wacky Worlds and Time Twister scenarios are just a game and can do what I like with them, but not all of them no offense!

So use openrct2 cause I used other scenery from time twister to make this scenario park more detailed interacting of some sort! Has Luna Park Sydney, Happy Land China, and Morey's Piers vibes to it! Located I thought of is Aransas Pass TX near by Trinity Islands Port Aransas I made a while back! Turned out all really good and wonderful though! My very first time I did any WW TT scenarios enjoy!

Use newest updated openrct2!

Section Parks
File Size 2.48 MB
Date Uploaded Oct 2, 2023
