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A park owner has just learned a harsh lesson on why not to build a park on a flood plain. With a minimal budget, you are tasked with relocating this once great park to higher ground. Can you salvage anything from the watery scrapheap below?

Section Scenarios
File Size 357.74 KB
Date Uploaded Jul 27, 2023
Liked by stinkyrat, MazUCM




Cool park but glitched on me so I couldn’t see the guests and even though things were open they couldn’t get on rides or buy anything.


Thanks for the comment Bridgetroll989. The guests will not be able to access the flooded park. They will only be able to visit the tiny new park on top of the hill, hence the challenge of the scenario.


Omg I fully missed the tiny park 😅😂 I was out here redeveloping the flood zone!

Contra Diction

Very nice scenario, but with one minor hiccup: the tiny pond across the road you can purchase land for can't actually be accessed. You can only buy construction rights for the road and not the footpath that guests are using to get to the park.


Just finished this scenario and it was so fun to play! A very quick game at about 2~3 hours and it's fun to squeeze everything into a tiny but manageable space. Thank you for this scenario! Looking forward to playing more.