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*NB*: OpenRCT2 only; I'd wanted to make as many of these RCT contest tracks accessible to players of RCT2/RCTC, but that isn't really viable with !Loco Train.

"LOCO TRAIN" tied for 1st place in Hasbro's Mini-Steel Roller Coaster "Competition Land" contest, March, 1999; intriguingly, David tied with himself, as he also designed the other 1st-place winner ...

I don't like, I confess, how I've got trains cascade-stacking back to the Station from before the tall, steep, drop: unfortunately, there exists no practical location to bisect the Block running from that drop to the MCBR on the 'scorpion tail'. Ah, well, look on the bright side: when it starts to rain, 3 trains will be primed to continue the course.

The stacking will reduce throughput, but not obscenely so: !Loco Train is significantly more efficient than the RCT original design.

Ratings may be reviewed in the Screenshots (and in the video); the last Screenshot, from RCTspace, depicts the Park David submitted.

Link to !Loco Train video on Google Drive:

Section Tracks
Type Classic Mini Roller Coaster
File Size 473 bytes
Date Uploaded Oct 24, 2023
