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This is an improved version of my original Haunted Mansion Recreation. More detail has been added to the ballroom, attic, and to the exterior. I also tweaked the graveyard scene to make it closer to the actual ride. The Mirror scene has also been improved. Enjoy! It requires eezee's The Haunted Mansion (http://www.customscenerydepot.com/cslist/?item=719)
All of Shyguy's Main Street sets
IA's Black pieces (http://www.customscenerydepot.com/index.php?action=downloads;sa=view;down=737)
jcat's screamworks
Jon's Changing portraits,
Ironaidens cobwebs
Station Jim's Gardening
Briantjuh94's Standard Billboards
Yesnt's Billboards
Alpine Village set 3 and 5
Kiothos haloween 2013
pajpajs trees and shrubs
funDmentals ride events
Ironaidens cobwebs
Kiothos haloween 2013
this picture-(http://www.doombuggies.com/images/secrets_ballroom_ghost3.jpg)
and this picture(http://www.doombuggies.com/images/secrets_ballroom_ghost6.jpg)
and this picture(http://www.halloweenforum.com/attachments/halloween-crafts/132447d1349044845-post-your-halloween-art-progression-photos-2-.jpg)
and this picture(http://www.halloweenforum.com/attachments/halloween-props/131708-haunted-mansion-fans-everything-disneys-haunted-mansion-progression-photos.jpg)
and this picture(https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3220/2900570824_a5b1aece2f_b.jpg)
and this picture(https://c2.staticflickr.com/4/3249/2779339065_3f057517fd.jpg)
put these in your billboard picture folder
The Haunted Mansion (sets 1 to 4) By Disfan1 and Vodhin's goulish goodies
the Phantom Manor stretching room CFR and Revolutionary Rides omnimover
Have fun!!!

Section Parks
File Size 3.95 MB
Date Uploaded Jan 13, 2015




This is awesome, you have a lot of talent. :)


wish there were links to all the required downloads


wish there were links to all the required