It's about time it arrived, eh? (I really didn't have much of an idea of what to do).
In 1920, researchers sent out a team from America to go to a place where it was considered to be four biomes in one spot. Their idea was to add a theme park to it. They discovered that the biomes were a sacred burial ground for many many indians. Turns out, that in 2017, these rumors were false, and there were no indians buried there, and plans for a park were reinacted.
Objective: 1.150 million park value by year 25. Quite possibly the longest goal to ever achieve.
This download DOES require custom downloads.
And the majority of these:
Took at least 4 days to create. Enjoy!
Liked by cruzy80
I love the way this scenario looks but I'm having trouble getting the custom downloads to upload on RCT Classic on my iPad. Can you help?
Late response, but if you download the custom rides separately, it should work just fine in RCT Classic. Let me know if it does not work.
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