What, you think Earth is the only planet in which organisms like to race each other in four-wheeled objects? Okay, the Grand Prix may indeed be invented by Earthlings, but every once in awhile, even they can have intelligent ideas that we "aliens", as they like to call us, appreciate enough to incorporate into our own lives. Besides, even we like to sow a bit of competition and rivalries for meaningless reasons now and then. Oh, wait, actually, that isn't particularly intelligent of us. Whatever, we still resolve them in a more professional manner than any Earthling ever could. Anyway, feel free to download and enjoy this track to give your space peeps an out-of-this-world racing experience.
(Note: This ride uses the Time Twister expansion pack.)
Excitement: 3.87
Intensity: 2.96
Nausea: 0.77
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