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Excitement rating:-7.05(high)
Intensity rating:-6.71(high)
Nausea rating:-4.99(medium)
Approx cost:-$ 22,761.61
Space required:-54X11
Ride length:-1878.26ft
Max speed:-77.36mph
Highest drop hieght:-194.65ft
Max p+ G's:-4.67g
Max n- G's:-0.74g
You'll need the following cs:-
J'cats steelworx
Ath catwalk set
Jungle rumble
Moby's steel jungle 1&2
Baffies station
Gadjets coaster goodies
Dazmatze's fences and railings

Section Tracks
Type Stormrunner
File Size 232.21 KB
Date Uploaded Nov 24, 2013


1 comment


Cool, I like it