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Beren (Twister Coaster, black):
Excitement: 8.94
Intensity: 8.61
Nausea: 4.94

Luthien (Giga Coaster, purple):
Excitement: 10.11
Intensity: 6.42
Nausea: 3.62

price (combined): ~75k :$

Hello again,

once more I'd like to share a coaster here.
To be exact, it's not just one coaster but two in some kind of symbiosis: Beren, a Twister Coaster with seven inversions, and Luthien, a Giga Coaster with a maximum speed of 131 km/h (81.4 mp/h). With both stations synchronised, their full up trains meet in the first loop of Beren (first screenshot), after the first block brakes of Beren and on their way back to the station.
Both combined can handle more than 4000 customers per hour.

Feel free to give them a ride (if you got some $ 75k spare :p)
cheers, nibbler

The tracks are archived in a zip file. So you just need to extract them into the rct2 tracks-folder.

About the name:
Beren and Luthien are Characters of Tolkien's legendarium.

Section Tracks
Type Twister Roller Coaster, Giga Roller Coaster
File Size 2.6 KB
Date Uploaded Apr 9, 2016


1 comment

Terry Inferno

Luthien has an impressive amount of airtime for its drop count.