OffbeatToaster presents Alien: The Ride, a one-of-a-kind dark ride/roller coaster experience inspired by Revenge of the Mummy and Verbolten . Based on one of the greatest science fiction films ever made, Alien takes riders through some of the most terrifying moments from the movie. After a slow tour through the alien planet, riders blast off at 50 mph, soaring through the stars before racing through the corridors of the Nostromo on a series of airtime hills and a zero-gravity roll. Just when you think it’s safe, the train comes to a halt and riders come face to face with the monster itself before sending riders down a sharp drop, putting them on their escape from the ship, shooting them up a 95-foot tower before they plummet down to Earth.
Excitement: 52.63 (I assume it's this high because I used a CTR)
Intensity: 4.14
Nausea: 1.82
Since its an indoor coaster, the picture's can only do so much. Check out a pov here:
Due to the wide variety of CS used, I've included a list of sets and download links within the download folder. Not listed in the document but also necessary are Jcat's Spaceworx and NYR's Stucco Roofs 1.
How did you put a video within the ride ?
I used a set of greenscreens and added the clips in my video editor.
You can download the screens here:
ok thx :)
and when you say "video editor", are you talking about the one within RCT3 or another software ?
A separate software. I used PowerDirector13 but any editing software the allows for chroma-key should work.
I downloaded the ride and all i found was a .dat file where do i place this .dat file?
@FunkyPixie copy it into documents/rct3/parks.
That excitement tho.
When i downloaded it everything was their but the coaster
@astroy123 did you download and install the CTR correctly?
where do I find the CTR all I got was scenery.
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