48th scenario up for grabs! Yippee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"This mountain peak already has three good coasters, and only coasters. This magnificent peak once was quiet and is now ruined by you folk! Old Uncle Al is watching closely now. Maybe.... a bit too closely.. he's watching me.... I think.. I am going to go home... and die. He's watching you. He's watching you. He's watching you. If I were you... RUN! JUST RUN!"
Narrator had to go to an insane asylum to repair his damaged brain after seeing uncle al...
If ya have questions, comments, suggestions, or CC, do tell me as it can and will help me better my works for the future! :D
Thanks for the download!
Liked by amusementparkbuilder32, NancyM
A unique and fun challenge . Thanks
A unique and fun challenge . Thanks
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