Please note that even though the game says the park only requires Soaked!, the CS I used also requires Wild!, and trying to open the park with just one of the expansions (or none of them) will result in an error. But you already knew that. Now, onto the technical stuff:
Ride Stats:
~11,468 ft long (2.172 miles!)
Top Speed of 77 mph
EIN: 9.09 (Very High) 9.36 (Very High) 4.84 (Medium) , respectively
Pulls 7.2 Positive Vertical Gs (It's a lot, but a 77 mph wooden coaster is, in itself, unrealistic)
42 drops
55 seconds of air time
202 feet tall
Aces' CCTV Cameras for the security cameras (non-functioning, sadly :( )
hag365's Odds and Ends for the roadblock near the entrance
Godzillakespie's Station Covers for the caution-line station covers
Belgabor's Invisible Doodads for the invisible entrances/exits, the invisible queve fence, and invisible atm/hospital/toilets in the Facilities building
gamer2456 & RedOctoberRCT3's Disaster Set for, well, everything
Olimar511's Control Panels for, that's right, the control panels!
FunDMental's Dark Ride Stunts 3 (or 2, can't remember which :p) for the blast doors
MrPKI's Coaster Tunnels for the...I don't even have to say it.
Thanks to all CS makers out there.
Now I can't give them to you with the park, all I can tell you is go here:
and search the above titles using the Find function, if you don't already have the sets.
Liked by SamDogy
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