A Scenario Park from Landscaper's Lust as it reminded me of Wacky Worlds Fun At The Beach scenario that I liked very much which this is inspired from, and from an old 2004 rct2 vacation park South Beach Amusement Park, as this park has many inspirations of the Cyclone Racer, former Geauga Lake's Big Dipper & Pontchartrain Beach's Zephyr which I thought I would add buildings along with the coasters and beach which turned our really great, a near recreation of Great Escape New York's Comet which wasn't easy to build with bad stats, two types of arrow looping coasters, a double corkscrew like Turn of the Century Great America Parks & Double Loop of Geauga Lake, a triple dueling schwarzkopf coaster a icon of Three Monkeys Park, & a DC Rivals Hypercoaster inspiration with inversions on though! Enjoy as this took me a whole week!
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