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Excitement: 7.49 (High)
Intensity: 8.93 (Very High)
Nausea: 6.92 (High)

Be prepared to soar over the sea! Aqua is a coaster which will make your spines tingle. Aqua climbs a 123 ft lift hill then drops a stunning 98 ft at 55 mph. This is a contest I made with a friend of mine. Enjoy!

See my friend's coaster http://rctgo.com/downloads/view/9040
Another note, the station didn't save so feel free to make another one. :)

Section Tracks
Type Inverted Roller Coaster
File Size 58.18 KB
Date Uploaded Oct 8, 2013
Liked by tej121599, SamDogy


1 comment


Feel free to add CS I didn't add it due to it being one of the contest regulations I made with my friend.