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*NB* !Boost Me Baby should be fine for RCTClassic & OpenRCT2, but is no good for vanilla RCT2.

So, wow, January, 2022: !Totally Loopy is/was my 1st 'real' roller coaster and, "beginner's luck", or whatever, she turned out to be a doozy. I don't think I'm a cynic, and I am a bright fellow, but I contrived !Totally Loopy 'using The Force', entirely (also, to be precise, through pains-taking trial-and-error; "oh, dear, I've painted myself into a corner ..."), and while I'm (at that time) a complete novice, maybe I do have a functioning coaster-design-brain and, maybe, I've serendipitously hit-upon an excellent formula ...

Hence, the "!Boost Me Baby Project": still the Looping Roller Coaster (I was still learning all of the others) but, "Where else can I go; how can I achieve more efficiency; how can I better exploit trackitecture that !Totally Loopy totally lacks; what about proper Block-Sections; how about a more compact, economical-to-place attraction?"

Crap, I won't bore everyone with the cascade of failures: this !Boost Me Baby is probably "!Boost Me Baby Mk. XXIII"; I had it right with !Totally Loopy; at least !Boost Me Baby is Block-Sectioned ...

Now, please, do not misunderstand me: anyone/everyone will find, in !Boost Me Baby, an excellent & worthwhile roller coaster; I would never have submitted it, otherwise.

!Boost Me Baby costs ~55% the cost of !Totally Loopy to build; basic ratings are so close that there'd never be any significant difference in ticket-price; it occupies a smaller footprint; it is immune to the 'Brakes Failure' breakdown; it's fine for RCTClassic.

While throughput remains excellent, yeah, wow, it can't compare with that 'serendipitously perfect' throughput you'd enjoy from !Totally Loopy; it might take an entire in-game year, or more, to even notice any difference, however.

So, yes, of course, I proudly present, !Boost Me Baby (final revision, June-ish, 2022).

Ratings may be reviewed in the Screenshots (and in the video).

Link to !Boost Me Baby video on Google Drive:

BTW, all the 'personal play by play' I've provided here hopefully helps newer players embrace/discover/rediscover the talent/intuition/skill that they do, indeed, possess and/or the potential(s) that might be cultivated.

May, 2024, I will be 56yrs old: when I 1st-played RCT (in 1999), I had a University Education which included (not my Major) Physics (naturally including Newtonian Principles) and Computer Science (which, haha, in practical application means virtually-nothing in 2024) ...

I designed my 1st roller coaster (!Totally Loopy) in January, 2022, using OpenRCT2.

To anyone who is starting out: you *can* get better; please, do not become discouraged. Of course, if you're hoping to out-perform *me*, well, I'll just say, "I think you've adequately cut-out a substantial portion of ambition for yourself!"

Newcomers, pay attention! I'm none of these guys: Marcel Vos, StuTube (that's him at RCTgo; he also hosts his own channel on YouTube); wow, lots of folks on YouTube and/or Reddit; resources abound!

Again, Happy New Year! (I uploaded this after !Lucky Star)

Section Tracks
Type Looping Roller Coaster
File Size 247 bytes
Date Uploaded Jan 11, 2024
