It's simple in my opinion. My second coaster station I made from watching m00nkinftw. My first one I made on my own before he uploaded that vid. Too bad he stopped.
Your right, but I only called it complex because it used custom scenery. I tried to make the coaster station out of Vodhin's Girders n' Glass, but I would need to see the tutorial at the same time.
This is the third coaster station.
Did you guy get these from watching m00nkinftw tut?
Cuz I recognize yours from his tut video and since I created my own too. =P
Yeah. I did. I'll be uploading more coaster stations, so be on the lookout if you see a coaster station that you saw on Youtube!
Lol. Yeah, okai.
It's simple in my opinion. My second coaster station I made from watching m00nkinftw. My first one I made on my own before he uploaded that vid. Too bad he stopped.
Your right, but I only called it complex because it used custom scenery. I tried to make the coaster station out of Vodhin's Girders n' Glass, but I would need to see the tutorial at the same time.
Cool, but it's not that open to peeps, know what I mean?
Not really. What do you mean?
Hm... Maybe it's just me. Nevermind. Looks good.
Oh. Ok then
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