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Excitement: 7.71
Intensity: 6.71
Nausea: 3.39

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Section Tracks
Type Floorless Coaster
File Size 63.73 KB
Date Uploaded Jul 23, 2015
Liked by SamDogy




Quite a basic coaster with a twisty layout, I think some scenery would make it look better :)


I downloaded this because it looked like a nice fairly compact coaster with good stats, which it is, so good job there. The only complaints I have are that 1. It has a few spots that are really jerky because of no banking, and 2. It is obviously missing some scenery and the colors it was automatically set to were a bit odd.

The first issue can also arguably be forgiven just because it makes the coaster more compact. The second is just a matter of if you want to spend the time adding in the scenery.