Deep, deep under the ground, is a huge cavern with ponds and falls.
Let's turn this secret place into a cave theme park.
Park value over 300,000$ + 15,000$ debt pay off
Deep, deep under the ground, is a huge cavern with ponds and falls.
Let's turn this secret place into a cave theme park.
Park value over 300,000$ + 15,000$ debt pay off
One day I'll have OpenRCT and be able to download this scenario, one day
It says rtc classic but won’t let me download. Haven’t had an issue with other ones with the same label.
Crazyeyed // They hadn't had same issue before, but after some released version it no longer opens with certain version. Maybe you need openrct :( I'm sorry for that
Moon, nice to see you back and active again.
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