This is Dystopia. It was inspired by its opposite concept, utopia, in which a perfect well-rounded park exists where each peep is happy and content. But as we all know this is never the case (especially with RCT3), hence the name Dystopia. I have always been more of a fan of Disneyland than Six Flags, not because of the rides, but because Disney is a master of theme and atmosphere in their parks. Of course this is nearly impossible to replicate in a video game, but nevertheless Dystopia tries and features "themed" locations in different areas of the park. From a small city area to the wild west and from a haunted area to another planet, it includes many different themes in the space allotted.
To minimize lag:
In the current saved file, the park itself as well as all of the rides are closed to minimize lag. This is a VERY large map with densely packed rides and lot a foliage. Add on a poorly optimized game and you get pretty horrible frame rates. When testing this map with 4,000 peeps bumbling about, I would get anywhere from 15 to 30 fps with a GTX 960. I would suggest turning down the overall texture detail if you want to enjoy the rides. But then again, if lag doesn't bother you, then feel free to open the park to the peeps.
Custom Scenery:
I suggest downloading and installing each of the custom scenery packs listed below. Although they aren't necessary, they certain add to the eye candy that the park has to offer. If there were two sets that are completely necessary to fill the gap in the park, I would say they are Ralfvieh's Fountains and Weber's Foliage Set. A lot of the center of the park is filled with rocks and fountains from both these sets.
Please feel free to comment and leave any criticism. This is my first RCT3 park, that I have uploaded, but I plan on making more (maybe on a smaller scale).
Custom Scenery Links:
Bulldog2092 Hedge Set:
Gadget Goodies for Coaster Set:
JackyX - Turnstyles:
Rocket99'sB&M Addon:
WeberFoliage Set:
Like the attention puts in the description and the fact that you provide all the download links.
And I think the same way about the park types.
Suggested as featured ;)
Thanks :)
Your park is amazing, I think it's one of the best I've seen in my life ... this gentle good, I like your park is excellent KANGAROO good work.
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