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Eragon - The Ride

Requires RCT3: Soaked! and RCT3: Wild! 0 comments

I made this coaster because I just bought Inhertance(Cristopher Poalini) it's an Storm Runner, and I think it looks pretty cool. this is also the first coaster I made with Moby's Steeljungle V2, and it looks nice;) (find it on Youtube: Eragon - The Ride by Superlegochannel ;)

Exitement: 8,63
intensity: 8,75
nausea: 7,00

CS needed:
RCT3: Soaked and Wild!'
Ralviehs fountains
Moby's Steeljungle V2
Dasmatze utilities
Coasterfreak (a thing with station thing like oprerator booth)
Coaster goodies
J Cats darkride set (you may find it as pumper darkride set...)
Elegtina Creations pack

Section Tracks
Type Roller Coaster
File Size 3.06 MB
Date Uploaded Dec 7, 2011
Liked by SamDogy