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Okay so I've been seeing Marcel Vos's videos about how to beat various scenarios in RCT2 and it made me think two things:

1.) There are a lot of people who are far better at this game than I am.
2.) I bet I could make a super-hard scenario for these powergamers to try and crack.

And after running a scenario that I made for a while, I came up with this scenario for you guys to try out. Here's some info about it:

Objective: To achieve a park value of 500,000 by October of Year 6.

- Marketing Campaigns are forbidden.
- Guests are harder to attract.
- Park rating is harder to maintain.
- Starting Park Value: 6,710
- Starting Cash: 10,000
- Max Loan Size: 100,000
- Initial Loan Size: 100,000
- Loan Interest Rate: 50%
- Pay to enter / free rides.

Section Scenarios
File Size 613.41 KB
Date Uploaded Oct 30, 2019
Liked by elliotjohnson93




yo this is insane, I tried playing it a few times and was only able to make it to a 0,000 park value


maybe it’s just my game but you can’t build anything and the ability to develop new tech isn’t there. can’t wait to play it once it’s fixed


I played through this twice. The first time was using a park-value bombs (max-height roto drops) to get the park value above 500k in about a month's time, after selling a few shops for a little extra cash. The second time was using a bit more honest of a method by building cheap & long corkscrew coasters to increase the guest cap enough to out-pace the guest inflow until the the loan was paid off. At about 5k cost per coaster, this took a little over 5 years to completely pay back the starting loan and then beat the scenario.