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Haters Gonna Hate

He knows it is not the best idea to read the comments of his creations but he is curious as what he shall find. Unfortunately, not all comments were encouraging or praise-worthy. They were hateful, spiteful and criticising - the exact ingredients to shoot down creativity. Being an artist-in-recovery for more than 7 years now, he knows better than to let those comments bring him down. As the iconic song goes by Christina Aguilera, "Words can't bring me down" and these nasty comments cannot bring his creative spirit down. Sure, intellectually he can shrug it off but his inner sugar baby cannot. It is hurt and damaged by the comments of several users simply for experimenting and releasing new creations every day on this website. He will not tolerate child abuse because that is why these users have done; abused a child's work of art. Inaction can only breed more creative blockage. The only cure for criticism is creating, and that is what he did. He used the energy to self-pity to self-empower through creating a very basic yet powerful rollercoaster using the looping roller coaster. For fun, he put lots of trees in and around the coaster for no reason (well, maybe to raise the excitement level up secretly) but what was important to him was that he didn't let those mean users get him down. No way, his creativity is special and important, and he deserve to share his creations even if they are terribly named and made. Artists are both bad and good artists. He cannot control the quality but he can control the quantity. Taking the words of Taylor Swift, "someday [he'll] be living in big ol' city and all [those nasty users] are gonna be mean" for the rest of their lives. A high-five he gives himself, a silent win amongst the blocked artists in this forum. Bravo! "FYI, the title 'Why Is It So Low?' was not a question to be answered. It is a bloody title!" he types out to those who criticised his work for having a low excitement. Who cares? People who like it can download and for those who don't, well, haters gonna hate while creators have to create...

Excitement: 5.91 (High)
Intensity: 8.43 (Very High)
Nausea: 3.36 (Medium)

Section Tracks
Type Looping Roller Coaster
File Size 1.63 KB
Date Uploaded Apr 1, 2023


1 comment


Rolls eyes*