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Excitement: 9.77
Intensity: 8.33
Nausea: 4.91

Without any bonus. ^^ The long station allows for a lot of trains and for the high stats it is reasonably sized.

Section Tracks
Type Hyper Twister Roller Coaster
File Size 1.01 KB
Date Uploaded Apr 12, 2020
Liked by Knight_in_fire




Cool looking coaster, but looks a little sloppy. 7.5/10


Tried it with 2 trains. The 2nd train starts in the middle of the track, from which point it doesn't get past the first incline it comes to, making the longer station unnecessary.

Fred 104 4276

@DreamWeaver PLEASE STOP

Fred 104 4276

Hyper-Twister with a long chain lift hill? No fucking thanks