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Excitement Rating: 23.07 ???
Intensity Rating: 6.02
Nausea Rating: 3.76

This track is needed with the following packs:
1. Weber Aged Footers (not-necessary)
2. ATH Catwalk Set (some-what necessary)
3. DRP Rockin Roller Coaster Theme (necessary)
4. Steelworx (very necessary)
5. Moby's Steel Jungle V1 & V2 (necessary)
6. NYR-Asphalt Road Set (very necessary)
7. SK-SHR91 (necessary)
8. AT-Urban Backstreets (not-necessary)
9. NYR-Box Supports (very necessary)
10. Rct3Master54's Coaster Accessories (not-necessary)
11. SchulziStrassenset Gold (V3) (necessary)

Section Tracks
Type Roller Coaster
File Size 4.1 MB
Date Uploaded Sep 4, 2011
Liked by SamDogy
