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I Am So Angry
After feeling insecure and not good enough for the afternoon, I suddenly felt angry and annoyed at my current situation. Not only were my relatives egging me to pay for dinner in which I repeatedly said no too, but my finances are just not showing up the way they should be. I should have enough for utilities and to eat but right now, I don't and this is making me angry. When I got home, I made this rollercoaster with my anger and frustration. I don't care about the cause. I care about using it while it is here to play.

Excitement: 5.34 (High)
Intensity: 8.48 (Very High)
Nausea: 4.69 (Medium)

Section Tracks
Type LIM Launch Roller Coaster
File Size 941 bytes
Date Uploaded Mar 2, 2023
