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I Cannot Be Bothered
This exact thought came up before and during the creation of this roller coaster. I didn't feel like in the mood and I used that anti-moodness to propel myself forward by creating it anyways. I had to alter the ride multiple times because the intensity was too extreme and I was seriously about to give up on the whole thing since I couldn't be bothered editing and experimenting with the pieces. Eventually, with much trial and error and repetition, I found the jackpot creation which ended up as this. Persistence pays off especially when 'I cannot be bothered' shows up to play.

Excitement: 7.27 (High)
Intensity: 9.21 (Very High)
Nausea: 6.48 (High)

Section Tracks
Type Wooden Roller Coaster
File Size 1.97 KB
Date Uploaded Mar 24, 2023
Liked by SpicyTacoCat
