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I don't sure the game needed thingy, but maybe it must platinum, but i recommended for those people who had normal RCT3, just download this.

I'm sorry for the ugly texture you will got after the download, at the concert. Actually, the concert part, my sister suggest it to make a girder and look so good, and she is a seriously freakin big fan of Beyonce Knowles so she told me to attach some billboards of Sasha Fierce pics, change the concert's songs into Single Ladies (Put A Ring On It), and put so many things. It is so cool for me, but then when you download it, you will see the different things, empty cause you don't have the file, i think :-(. But theres other cool things to discovered.

Hello, this is Junglewood Rock Coaster Valley. Best coasters from my friends here in RCTGo has been "rebuild" and making a seriously cool outdoor park. So this park means friendly park because some of the coasters that had being built by RCTGo member has been rebuild in this park and combine to make so cool outdoor park. I hope you can download this.

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Section Parks
File Size 2.89 MB
Date Uploaded Aug 25, 2009


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