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Excitement: 7.78 (No scenery)
Intensity: 9.77
Nausea: 6.31
Max speed: 76.15mph
Average speed: 36.85mph
Ride time: 1:41
Ride Length: 5495.81ft

This is one track of two that go together. Please build Odin first (it is higher), then shift Loki's station up to Odin's station height, then move the track forward and backward along the stations until it fits. These coasters' stations are set to sync, but Odin is far longer than Loki, so I suggest un-syncing them to get the most people riding them. Do not make the trains less than 6 cars long, they won't make it up the spiral lift hill.

Section Tracks
Type Wooden Roller Coaster
File Size 102.51 KB
Date Uploaded Jul 6, 2014
Liked by ZeroBoogie, SamDogy
