Olympic bobsleds takes riders on a fast paced bobsled ride on a retired Olympic Bobsled course. Amateur events are still hosted at this course so the bleachers, snack bars, hotel, and restrooms are still maintained. Guests can enjoy daytime or nighttime rides and there are plenty of outdoor heaters in viewing areas to keep guests warm. CS by Coasterfreak, CoasterJoe, CSF, CT, DasMatze, DRP, Fink, JCat, Moby, Moki, Old-Spice, Ralfvieh, Shy, Station Jim jr., Captain, Vodhin, and Yesnt.
CS sets required
Coasterfreak's DRAG STRIP set
Coasterfreak's KUSTOM KONCERT STAGE set
Coasterfreak's SNOW TUNNELS set
Coaster Joe's Alpine Extras set
CSF's Neon Lighting Set Recolorable Lighting Emitters set
CT's Ancient set
DasMatze's Toboggan Kit set
DRP's Tubes set
Fink's Stressed-Out-West I set
Gadget Goodies for Coaster set
JCat's SpaceWorx set
Moby's Glasshouse and Frameworx set
Moki's Frozen Lands set
Moki's winter time and Christmas stuff 1 set
Old-Spice's Trees set
Ralfvieh's Medieval 1 set
Ralfvieh's Medieval 2 set
Ralfvieh's New Castle set
Ralfvieh's Pathcover set
shy's Alpine Village Set 4
shy's Alpine Village Set 6
Station Jim jr.'s/Captain's Aviaries set
Station Jim jr.'s Gardening 1 set
Station Jim jr.'s Random Things set
Vodhin's Vermont Theme v1 set
Yesnt's billboard set
Best of luck to each the entries of this round of build it!
Liked by Jayden8610, chanceoleary
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