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Hope you bought your poncho at the gate! Surging Strikes & Triple Dive are twin pair of gentle, intertwined, highly synchronized water rides that would fit well into a wide variety of attractions. SURGING STRIKES, the slightly more intense of the two, is a sleek steel water coaster with three drops and limited splash elements. 90 seconds of air time spread out across one gentle slope, one 42ft dive, and one speed control hill provide an exciting ride with plenty of weightless thrills without being too intense for younger members of the family to enjoy. We see her as a good beginner-intermediate coaster for those looking to transition from junior rides to more lofty installments.

This is the file for SURGING STRIKES, the Water Coaster, only. To use them together, please make sure that you've downloaded Triple Dive separately.

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[NOTE:] Surging Strikes & Triple Dive are made in OpenRCT2 and untested in RCT: Triple Thrill Pack. I am brand new to these games as a whole, so I don't feel comfortable with trying to guess at which games they will/won't work for. If you do try them in another version, please let me know if it works!

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[PERTINENT STATS] [coaster tab appx. / blank map]
Excitement Rating: 4.90 / 4.92 (Medium)
Intensity Rating: 5.50 / 5.54 (High)
Nausea Rating: 3.77 / 3.70 (Medium)

Max. Speed: 38mph
Max. positive vertical Gs: 2.56
Max. lateral Gs: 0.9
Ride time: 1min32sec
Space required: 28x11 (30x11 when paired with Triple Dive)
Accommodates: roughly 1080 guests/hr

Section Tracks
Type Water Coaster
File Size 225 bytes
Date Uploaded Nov 9, 2023
Liked by jhnrct92plyr22
