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A Volcano erupted millions of hours ago. Creating a new island in the middle of somewhere. Now you must destroy some of the natural trees to make way for a world famous attraction.

Contains a few rides evenly spread around the park, so you can open everything in the beginning and nobody will get lost or hungry.

Section Scenarios
File Size 596.73 KB
Date Uploaded Mar 21, 2019
Liked by UndeadGinger




Difficult park for me. Plus something unstable makes my rct classic crash repeatedly. Great scenery. I would have beat it the 2nd time.


This is the best mega park I've ever made. Other than the overclocking glitch when you try to sort rides late game.


I found the cause of the crash. If you try to sort all rides by profit the game engine cant handle that much ride data. I didn't do it on purpose. But it does add to the challenge to manually manage your park.