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Zeus gave Pandora a box (in ancient Greece this was called a jar) but warned her never to open it. Pandora, who was created to be curious, couldn’t stay away from the box and the urge to open the box overcame her. Horrible things flew out of the box including greed, envy, hatred, pain, disease, hunger, poverty, war, and death. All of life’s miseries had been let out into the world. Pandora slammed the lid of the box back down. The last thing remaining inside of the box was hope. Ever since, humans have been able to hold onto this hope in order to survive the wickedness that Pandora had let out.

“Pandora’s box” now means anything that is best left untouched, for fear of what might come out of it.

Excitement rating: 8.33 (very high)
Intensity rating: 6.20 (high)
Nausea rating: 4.54 (medium)
Max speed: 59 mph
Ride time: 2 min, 52 secs
Ride length: 8491 ft

Only Roman scenery used (no custom scenery); no expansion packs needed.

Section Tracks
Type Hyper Twister Roller Coaster
File Size 4.21 KB
Date Uploaded Oct 19, 2017
Liked by Vsnu
