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This download requires the following:
- OpenRCT2 v0.4.4 or later
- RCT1 Deluxe linked to OpenRCT2 (for the RCT1 Corkscrew Roller Coaster Trains)

This ride's name is derived from a fictional gemstone with a predominantly purple color. Also the first Corkscrew Roller Coaster track design on the site that uses the RCT1 trains, which are a bit better to use in scenario play as they only require a 7 tile-long station to get the max train length of 8 cars as opposed to the other train types' 8 or 9 tiles, and there is no intensity factor boost used, true to RCT1.

Excitement rating: 6.46 (High)
Intensity rating: 7.10 (High)
Nausea rating: 3.48 (Medium)

Max. speed: 50 mph (80 km/h)
Average speed: 17 mph (27 km/h)
Ride time: 1min:35secs
Ride length: 3,133 ft (955 m)
Max. vertical Gs: 3.80 g
Min. vertical Gs: -0.69 g
Max. lateral Gs: 2.09 g
Total 'air' time: 2.58secs
Drops: 10
Highest drop height: 78 ft (24 m)
Inversions: 4

Space required: 26 × 10 blocks
Cost: 15,485.10 (with scenery), 15,002.10 (without scenery)

Section Tracks
Type Corkscrew Roller Coaster
File Size 821 bytes
Date Uploaded May 3, 2023
