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Excitement Rating: 8.21
Intensity Rating: 7.61 (Not surprising since it's a launched wooden coaster)
Nausea Rating: 4.93 (Lower than I thought!)
POV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lTVBJy9mwUE

This is my first submission and my first attempt at making a good, well-themed coaster. I'm not very good with CS, so I only used one pack which is required: Pteri's Tunnel Pack. The coaster features two different launches, a themed hotel and mine, and a wild west setting. I tried my best, please give me tips on how to improve both the ride and the theming. I know that some of the elements are a bit unrealistic in forcefulness, but I tried my best to create a realistic ride. The second launch of the ride takes place inside the dark mine and brings the ride to its top height. The layout is built around airtime during the first launch and fun helixes and turns during the second launch. I didn't include a final brake run because I didn't find it necessary.

Section Tracks
Type Wooden Roller Coaster
File Size 1.58 MB
Date Uploaded Oct 12, 2017
