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Excitement: 8.73
Intensity: 7.39
Nausea: 7.32
Now i am back into RCT3. So, I made this ride, it's fun with 0:53 seconds of airtime! but, janitors much?
I think this would be 51" or 52" for requirements if it were real. It has a length of 6428.87 feet! That is over a mile long! Like the free fall feeling? Like long roller coasters? Like flying coasters? If so, ride this!
This would go good with patriotic songs, as for being themed of a bald eagle. Like this coaster? If so, of course you should like it.

Section Tracks
Type Flying Coaster
File Size 1.69 MB
Date Uploaded Aug 24, 2013
Liked by rct3fan36
