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I don't know what to write here...
Basically, it good for beginner to build a cool roller coaster for cheap price, maybe.

Excitement Rating: 2.63 (Medium)
Intensity Rating: 12.94 (Ultra-Extreme)
Nausea Rating: 8.02 (Very High)
Max speed: 48 mph
Average speed: 16 mph
and more...

I'm also new at this game, and also on this page so this is my first creation. If you have something want to say about the track, just say in the comments, i will read it for you.

Have fun!

Section Tracks
Type Twister Roller Coaster
File Size 287 bytes
Date Uploaded Aug 22, 2021



Fred 104 4276

All those turns need to be banked, and additionally, that corkscrew should not be taken at such a high speed. It should have some brakes before it


okie dokie, im just using reddit to ask people to reduce the intensity, Fred 104 4276