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A small park on the forest floor has an interesting way of transportation...

Section Scenarios
File Size 366.8 KB
Date Uploaded Oct 17, 2016



Skylander Katfish

Requires Openrct2 To Play.

Supra G.L.

I'm not here to offend you, but try to make your downloads be compatible with the original RCT2 as much as you can. It's not that OpenRCT2 is bad, it is great, but not everyone has this. And including exclusive elements to OpenRCT2 in your downloads impedes some people to have access to them, if you understand me.

You are not obliged to listen to me. Just a request.

Also, nice idea to use coasters as transports. :)

Skylander Katfish

thanks and i will try my best to make compatible parks
i dont know that by creating a scenario with openrct2 only means you can use it with openrct2 or if it works with the original. i think i should work with the original as long as it has the same objects in the scenario. thanks for the feedback! :D

Supra G.L.

You're welcome.

Also, I mean OpenRCT2 scenarios can work with the original RCT2 unless you use exclusive stuff from OpenRCT2, such as steep drops on Junior coaster in this case, which can make the game crash when opened. Just keep that in mind.

Skylander Katfish

ok yeah thanks! this coaster in this map has steep drops so.... yeah requires openrct2. thanks for the feedback!


Hey Sky Its Pinball_Wiz! (aka pinball_masta)