Twin Pistons
This air-powered roller coaster is a racing coaster. Two trains are launched side by side in a quick air-powered race. The first one to the finish wins! (The same train wins every time.)
Excitement: 5.70 (High)
Intensity: 6.31 (High)
Nausea: 4.81 (Medium)
Max Speed: 87.06 mph
Average Speed: 39.17 mph
Ride Time: 0:34
Ride Length: 2,008.55 ft.
Max + vertical Gs: 6.23g
Max - vertical Gs: -3.69g
Max Lateral Gs: 5.69g
Airtime: 0:02
Drops: 5
Max Drop Height: 209.52 ft
Inversions: 0
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